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can a user add a group of text fields?

Registered: Jun 3 2009
Posts: 2

I've been searching around but can't find exactly what I'm trying to do, and/or whether or not it's even possible.

I'm working on an interactive intake form for a museum with fillable text fields and drop-down menus. The last section of the form needs to be repeated for as many objects are received (sometimes there may be one, sometimes there may be five, or eight, and so on). Is there a way to group the required text fields and design the PDF so the user can add as many objects as are needed? This would mean the user would also have to add pages to the pdf, as it is only one page right now, but I was hoping the program could automatically add pages to fit the text fields that are added.

I hope that question made sense; is this a possibility? Any help would be appreciated! I'm using Acrobat 8.1.2 Professional on Mac OS X 10.4.11.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You can add additonal pages through the use of the 'template' object. For users with Reader the form will need Extended Reader Form Rights enabled.

George Kaiser