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Can You Create A Time/Date Stamp on PDF with Acrobat 9 Pro?

Registered: Mar 30 2011
Posts: 7

Good Morning,
I am trying to create an interactive PDF form for my company. We are in insurance, and the forms are extremely time sensitive, so I am wondering if there is a way to create a time or date stamp (preferably both) that is generated upon opening or saving of the PDF. Is this possible?
The form I am creating is in Acrobat 9 Pro. It is to be sent to our clients for them to fill out and return to us. We are not sure if we are going to be able to upload this to our new website,if we are going to have them complete it and print it off/fax/email it back to us. If we can create a time/date stamp, would it be able to used in all of these ways?
I am a novice at using Acrobat Pro 9. If you repsond to my question, please take it easy on me and explain thoroughly :)
I would really appreciate any input.
Thank you,
Dana U.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Yes, you can place a time/date stamp on a PDF. There are many different ways to do it depending on what you want out of it. For example, add a text field to the form and write the date/time into it with a script. This can be done on opening, saving, printing or some other circumstance. You can event keep a log of every time the PDF was saved.

However, detecting exactly when then time stamp is automatically applied(and not applied) is a bit of an issue that has to be well though out.

A very good alternative is to have the user sign the form. A digital signature stamps the time onto the PDF and creates an audit trail of every change that has been made to the form since it was signed.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Mar 30 2011
Posts: 7
Thank you so much Thomp! I have to tell you, I just registered this morning to the website and posted three questions, and I have had all 3 of them answered today. I love this site! Thank you so much for your thoughtful feedback.

I am working on the digital signature currently. Again, I really appreciate the help :)

Have a wonderful day,
Dana U.