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Cannot see Forms data from prev. Adobe versions

Registered: Jun 13 2008
Posts: 2

We use Inland Revenue pdf Forms for Client tax returns etc. here in our legal firm i n the UK.
We had a variety of Adobe Reader versions installed and two full Acrobat copies (v.5 and 6)
We recently upgraded all copies to the latest v.8
Now we cannot see any text/data previously saved in to the aforementioned pdf Forms.
Can anyone advise if there is a switch I need to press in v8 to allow users to see data entered/saved using older versions of the Adobe product line?

Any help appreciated.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Only Acrobat Std. or Pro. (not Reader) allows recipients of PDF forms to save the data entered into a form (Reader does allow printing of the data but not saving). The only exception to this is if the form is Reader-enabled, which is a capability specific to Acrobat 8 Pro.

Was the form data saved in the full version of Acrobat previously? Have you tried opening the PDF in Acrobat 8 Pro. or Std. (not Reader) to view the form data? If so, do you receive any errors when opening the PDF? Occasionally, errors revolving around security (as forms are migrated from previous versions) may affect data entry.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for