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Can't insert Livecycle form in Acrobat 9

Registered: Sep 1 2008
Posts: 11

Hi all,
in version 8 I used to be able to create a form in livecycle and insert it into another PDF by following the instructions at

I've been upgraded to Acrobat Pro version 9 and the workaround seems to no longer work. In Acrobat the Document > Extract Pages option is greyed out, I've confirmed the LS form is a static PDF - anyone else had this issue and/or have a solution?

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
This work around in Acrobat 7 & 8 was the result of an oversite by Adobe. They've closed the hole in Acrobat 9. However, there is another way.Basically the workaround was to use the Extract Pages functionality to covert the LC Form into an AcroForm. You can still do this by printing the LC form to a PDF. You can also do this with the "Create PDF from HTML" and then actually loading a PDF. And if you have a PDF COS level editor like PDF CanOpener you simply delete the XFA entry in the AcroForms dictionary (in the interal structure of the PDF).

However, while workable, all of these techniques go against the grain. They are a bit improper and so there is the posibility that the resulting PDF will have issues. For example the LC form field names are very different and can be problematic for an AcroForm.

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