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Change PDF Type from Form to Static in Reader

Brian Wright
Registered: Nov 16 2010
Posts: 5

Our office has made a 5 x 7 invitation template for other departments to use. It's a form that will be sent out to different departments for them to enter info into and then flatten before sending invites externally. Since the other departments can only use reader, we added a button that will make the invitation field non-editable and then hide itself. However, when the flattened invitation is opened in Reader, the dialog box about filling out a form still appears even though all of the fields cannot be edited. Is there a way to change the PDF type from reader so this dialog doesn't appear?
We have tried printing a PDF from the template, but the company's PDF printing program requires setting up a custom page size for the 5x7, so it's not ideal for company-wide use.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.4, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Flattening just isn't something that Reader can do by itself. Reader is after all Free. If you want software that can do something useful in a production environment you have to spend either time or money. Usually, people solve this problem by using a server to do the work. The person filling out the form in Reader would submit it to a web site, where it's flattened and sent back. Appligent ( makes a wonderful tool for this purpose. Another solution is to get a different Print to PDF driver. One that will work with your parameters. There are loads of them out there.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
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