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Check box behavior

Registered: Jan 29 2007
Posts: 43

How do I make sure all check boxes in a form behave the same. For example on my form some are check marks and some are black dots. Also, some allow for both the yes and no boxes to be checked.
I want mine to be either yes or no throughout the form.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Traditionally, a "Check Box" is a single on/off value that's not connected to any other controls. "Radio buttons" are a lot like "check boxes", but they are typically represented with a dot, and are used in a group, where only one button in the group can be selected, just like the old multiple choice questions we used to fill out with a #2 pencil.

It sounds like you have both "check boxes" and "radio buttons" on your form, but you'd like all radio buttons.

Use a check box when you need a single on/off value. Use a group of radio buttons when you need to select one of several options, like between "yes" and "no". Radio buttons are grouped by name, i.e., all radio buttons with the same name are part of the same group.

Thom Parker
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