Ok if someone can explain and show a Javascript to this that will be great. I have a form with multiple pages. To make it simple I’m just going to say page 1 and 2. One page 1 I have a table with 7 rows. Each with fillable fields, for example name, DOB, Sex ect. Plus some questions. The main question in page 1 is “Is this person applying?” If they say yes then on page 2 I have a table of 6 to copy name, DOB, sex and other info. But if they say no then the info should not be transferred. The only thing I am coping are fields, no boxes. If person in line 1 pg 1 says yes then copy to line 1 in pg 2. If person in line 2 pg 1 says no then no copy. If person in line 3 pg 1 says yes then copy to pg 2 “line 2.” And so on. So I am trying to figure is there a simple Javasrcipt for this. Or is there a simpler way copy this info if they check yes to the check box? Is there any one that can help? In a simple way that I can copy the Javascript.
Thank you
For example, if this is an AcroForm, then this code on the mouse up event of the check box will work.
if(event.target.value == "Yes")
this.getField("DestField").value = this.getField("SourceField");
Assuming of course that the export value of the check box is set to "Yes" which is the default.
To use a calculation script see this article:
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script