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Clear Form Command and order in which a document TABs through

Registered: Jan 27 2010
Posts: 6

How do I add a "Clear Form" command to a document?

Also, can I change the order a document "Tabs" through?

smitchell15 (not verified)

Hope the below helps for you:-)

Clear form:
Add a button, in the actions tab, choose Reset a Form (You then get to choose what fields you want to clear)
Add some text to the button if required in OPtions tab

Tab order:
When working with the forms in Editing mode, you can simply click and drag the fields in the fields navigation tab on the left hand side to change the tab order, or aletrnatively you have options to set by row, column in the tab order drop down menu
Registered: Jan 27 2010
Posts: 6
Some of that helps. I see no way to add text using the Options Tab.

The second answer is Greek to me, but thanks