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collect form data in reader X

Registered: Nov 27 2011
Posts: 2

What is the way to collect data from form which will work also in reader X .
I used to have trusted folder level script which saved the data to xfdf file
but it doesnt work in latest(X) reader version .

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
Reader cannot export form data via JavaScript to a local file (FDF, XFDF, XML) unless the document has the corresponding usage rights, which can only be applied with LiveCycle Reader Extensions. Do your documents have the necessary usage rights applied? If you can describe your intended workflow in more detail, it would help.
Registered: Nov 27 2011
Posts: 2
I have a delphi application runing in the user desktop which :

a. take pdf doucument with form, fill it with data from the database (I use quick pdf library to do that) .
at that stage I can add script/buttons to the document or to the acrobat trusted folder level scripts.

b. open Acrobat reader with the modified document ,
let the user update the data in the form .

c. I want the user to save the document or to activate a script ( from a button I added to the document)
I need to collect the data the user modified and update my database .

d. - the user can have any version of free reader .
- I don't want the limitation of 500 in "Enable user rights in Adobe reader" option .
- I'm looking for solution which don't involve paying thousands to Adobe .

e. I could have do that with adding trusted level folder script to save the form data to xfdf file .
It was blocked in reader X .
Any other ways to do that ?
Is it simple to sign the document ? , if I'll do that would reader X let me run the saving script ?