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Combo-Box selection determines another fields value.

Registered: Oct 22 2010
Posts: 1

I have created a combo-box with several different choices to fill in a reps name. I need to create a box just under it in my form that will fill in the reps title. I would like the second box to be populated with a string of text dependent on the selection made in the first box. Example: If Jon Doe is selected in the the first combo-box, I would like Director of Sales to populate the second box. If Jane Doe is selected I would like the second box to be populated with VP Of Whatever.
I assume I could do this with Javascript, the problem is I don't know any scripting.
Anyone have any ideas?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
Here's part one of a great tutorial on scripting combo boxes:

For what you want, you can set up a JavaScript object that associates the name with the title, a kind of look-up table. When the item is selected in the combo box, the corresponding title is retrieved and gets sent to the corresponding text field.

If you get stuck, post again.