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ComboBox with Display and hidden text boxes

Registered: Jan 21 2009
Posts: 14

if (event.change == "R-1") {
("R-1 Desc").display=display.visible;
("R-2 Desc").display=display.hidden;
("R-3 Desc"). display=display.hidden;
if (event.change == "R-2") {
("R-1 Desc").display=display.hidden;
("R-2 Desc").display=display.visible;
("R-3 Desc"). display=display.hidden;if (event.change == "R-3") {
("R-1 Desc").display=display.hidden;
("R-2 Desc").display=display.hidden;
("R-3 Desc"). display=display.visible;

I cannot figure out why the above code does not work. The event change is a Combo Box with the values of R-1, R-2 and R-3

The "R-1 Desc" etc are text boxes that should appear or disapear depending on the choices made in the Combo Box.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Are you getting any errors on the JavaScript debugging console?

Unless the user is typing the value into the text box, I believe you should be using the 'changeEx' property. You also need to get the field object and not the name of the field.

("R-1 Desc").display=display.visible;
Should be coded:
this.getField("R-1 Desc").display=display.visible;

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 21 2009
Posts: 14
Thanks for your help! I think I am getting closer

var item = event.value;

var a = this.getField("R-1 Desc").value; // variable for Ribbon 1
var b = this.getField("R-2 Desc").value;// variable for Ribbon 2
var c = this.getField("R-3 Desc").value;// variable for Ribbon 3
if (event.change == "R-1") {this.getField("var a").display=display.visible;this.getField("var b").display=display.hidden;this.getField("var c").display=display.hidden;

if (event.change == "R-2") {
this.getField("var a").display=display.hidden;this.getField("var b").display=display.visible;this.getField("var c").display=display.hidden;

if (event.change == "R-3") {
this.getField("var a").display=display.hidden;this.getField("var b").display=display.hidden;this.getField("var c").display=display.visible;}}}