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Complex calculation in Acrobat 9

Registered: Mar 25 2010
Posts: 2

I'm new to Acrobat 9 and trying to create a calculation for a field. I need to create a calculation that multiplies a field by 30% or but has a maximum of $1000. For example - job earnings are field A and we're trying to calculate a scholarship amount (Field B) of 30% of earnings - but the scholarship can't equal more than $1000. Any suggestions. Thanks

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
Put this in field B's custom calculation script (you will probably need to adjust the name of the earnings field, between the quotes in the first line):

scholarship = this.getField("earnings").value *0.3;event.value = scholarship>1000 ? 1000 : scholarship;

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