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Console - Copy & Paste with funky results

Registered: Aug 21 2006
Posts: 21

I'm using Acrobat Pro 8.0.0 on iMac - The console is where I test many scripts before adding to buttons.
I got used to keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste into the console window. This feature seems to be BROKEN in Pro 8. When I copy text from a field , set my cursor in the console text area and use Apple+v to paste from the clipboard - unexpected things happen. All the fields on my page suddenly reproduce ... or one field is created -- and these were not copied to begin with. Also the keyboard shortcut for select all does not work.
I just checked for updates. None available. Do I go back to Pro 7?
-- M

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Macintosh
Registered: Dec 31 2005
Posts: 848
I haven't found this to be a problem. No problem with Select All and no problem with Command + V in the JS Console.

Just to double check, be certain to have the JS Editor selected when trying to Select All and be certain the cursor is blinking inside the Console window. By default when you open the JavaScript Debugger, the Console window is not active. You physically need to click in the window before pressing Command + V.

If you're sure you perform all steps accurately and you've tested the process on several different forms, they frst try to repair the Acrobat installation (Help > Repair Acrobat Installation). If you still experience problems, deinstall/reinstall Acrobat.Problems still? Then contact Adobe Technical Support and report the problem as a bug.


The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.