Hello all,
Many months ago i built an application form for someone. I built this form using Acrobat and Livecycle.
This form could be downloaded by people and filled in, using the form elements on the doucment. They then sent the fill in form back via email.
The problem is that on one particular occasion, despite hundreds of successful applications, one particular form has been sent in and it is completely empty. All of the form fields contain no information at all.
The applicant maintains that the form was filled in. The physical size of the file has increased which to me would indicate that it does contain more information, but the form itself is empty.
Has anyone else come up against this rare problem or can anyone suggest something that i could try to fix it?
You may want to indicate in the form somewhere that to be able to email the form with information they need to download the latest version of the reader.
I did a form for a client and even though it had instructions and a link for downloading the new reader, most users ignored them and we received tons of empty forms!!!