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Control of format and email fields in SubmitForm function

Registered: May 18 2010
Posts: 6

Hallo to all members,

My name is Harry, just joined this forum and would like to greet you all.
With a minimum of previous experience with Adobe forms found myself in position to resolve
Submit form operation by email in PDF format. I would greatly appreciate some help from more experienced members on this topic, please.

By using standard submit action in Acrobat 9, I placed 3 email addresses into url field using “mailto:” Everything worked fine except Outlook express showing 3 email addresses in To: field.

I would like to:
1 display only one email address and to hide other two emails (if possible) or
2 hide all three or
3 display one in TO field and move other two in cc or bcc field. Also to control subject and body fields too.

Not having any success in hiding email addresses inside TO field, I stumbled upon Ted Padovas’ article re submitForm and this code:

this.submitForm("mailto:person1 [at] domain1 [dot] com?"
+ "&cc=person2 [at] domain1 [dot] com&bcc=person3 [at] domain1 [dot] com"
+ "&subject=good news"
+ "&body=The order is in!")

A new Submit button was created adding java script on mouse Up action, which produced a satisfactory result in Outlook Express, except format of the attached form was not PDF (important). Following the same article there was an attribute: cSubmitAs, which is supposed to control format of the attached form. Hit the wall on this one since no matter which way I tried to insert this into the previous code, java script box complained about syntax errors. Here is the code I tried to get working:

this.submitForm({"mailto:person1 [at] domain1 [dot] com?"
+ "&cc=person2 [at] domain1 [dot] com&bcc=person3 [at] domain1 [dot] com"
+ "&subject=good news"
+ "&body=The order is in!"}, cSubmitAs:"PDF");

and the error produced:
missing : after property id 2: at line 3

Would someone be so kind to point out towards correct code on this one plese?



My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2399
You're not supplying the parameters to the function correctly.
Look in the reference files. There are examples there of how it should be done.

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
Check out my custom-made scripts website:

Registered: May 18 2010
Posts: 6
Thanks for your response try67. That is something I should definitelly do. Hope to come up with something in due time...




Registered: May 18 2010
Posts: 6
Good news!
Finaly, reading references and trying different options I found a solution.
The code that is working for me is as this:

this.submitForm({cURL:"mailto:person1 [at] domain1 [dot] com?"
+ "&cc=person2 [at] domain1 [dot] com&bcc=person3 [at] domain1 [dot] com"
+ "&subject=good news"
+ "&body=The order is in!", cSubmitAs:"PDF"});Including cURL: was the key.

Hope this might help someone


