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Control the order of fields in data set

Registered: Apr 20 2011
Posts: 4

I have been trying to solve the issue of what order my data fields appear in, in the data set. Any further application exporting I wish to do is very limited by an inability to place fields in a desired order.
I have tried adding prefixes of a1, a2 & 01, 02, of just a, b, c... to the text box names on the pdf _pub_ form, to no avail.
It seems that it may also be over ridden by the order in which the original fields were created? I'm using version 8 pro.
If I can figure this out, I would also like to add unused fields on the form that reflect my objective for the final spreadsheet. I see I can make them hidden individually, but does hidden mean the user filling it out is spared tabbing through hidden fields or not?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Are you talking about the order they appear in when exported from a responses file in tracker?

Yes, when a field is hidden, it cannot receive the focus.
Registered: Apr 20 2011
Posts: 4
I've made a pdf form, distributed it and am collecting data in the dataset. I want the fields to appear in a particular order in the dataset. this allows me to export and retain the order I'm using downstream.
How do I control what order the fields appear in?
Registered: Apr 20 2011
Posts: 4
Actually - I've managed to get them auto loading into the dataset file fine - but the export csv mixes up the order? or Apple Numbers is mixing them on conversion?
Registered: Apr 20 2011
Posts: 4
the csv is export is scrambled. It's an Acrobat dataset problem....