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Convert an existing pdf file into a form with default field values

Registered: Aug 7 2007
Posts: 5


I have some existing pdf's of which I want to make forms. When I choose create forms from existing file...When identifying form fields it makes some unwanted form fields.

When I create fields using the text button...the text beneath the text field is not treated as an value of that field.

Is there any way to mark certain areas of the pdf as fields on forms and take the values on the pdf as values of the field.


Is there any way I can merge an existing pdf into an blank form where it will treat the values of the pdf as field values of the form fields.

Do let me know


Registered: Dec 13 2006
Posts: 165
When you use the form field recognition tool, Acrobat is making it's best guess as to what the form field should be. You'll still need to edit the form when it's done; take out the fields it makes by mistake, change the name of the form field if it guess wrong. It's expected and accepted that the fields will need some work. Nevertheless, use of the tool is a big time saver. 80% will be ok; 20% will be wrong and need some work. At least, that's been my experience.


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