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Copy the comment text box???

Registered: Jan 23 2010
Posts: 4

I m using the acrobat 8. when i copy the comment text box from the older pdf file (The size : 1500 x 1600 ) to the another pdf file ( The size : 2000 x 1600) , the text box was rotated to 90 degrees.
How can i solve it ???

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
simple solution: in pdf#1 select and copy the contents (text) of text box one. next, on pdf#2 initiate a new text box and paste the copied text. you do not need to copy/paste the entire text box. however, if you do, there is a solution to the 'rotation' anomaly, but it's hard to explain (and not intuitive) and it's not necessary if the simple solution resolves the your issue.
Registered: Jan 23 2010
Posts: 4
thanks, It 's work . However, a series of text boxes should be copied to another file. This solution is only for one by one. Any suggestion?
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
let's say you have a page in pdf#1 with many text boxes. do a select all on the page in pdf#1 and paste to a page in pdf#2. if you encounter the rotation problem (this can occur with scanned material) the solution is to apply OCR to pdf#1 and to pdf#2 and then to remove the OCR (hidden) text by means of the examine document tool (menu: document > examine document > remove hiddent text). (BE SURE to make a backup before you do this) then do the copy on pdf#1 and paste to pdf#2. you'll have to do this page by page, unless you can write and debug script. if you have thousands of pages to process, you can hire me to do it.