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COS document table full

Registered: Mar 26 2008
Posts: 2

Hi I am trying to export about 400 records to .csv but recieve COS document table full error and the export only exports 126 records of data.

I have tried clearing all temp files in start/run/%temp% and also start/run/temp

to no avail. can anyone help?

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
What version of Acrobat are you using? What OS are you on? How exactly are you exporting to CSV from Acrobat?

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Apr 25 2008
Posts: 5
I have a similar problem, perhaps. Acrobat is exporting an incomplete .csv file. When I open it in Excel, I get a "File not loaded completely" error message. Any ideas why? I'm using Acrobat 8.1.2 for the Mac. I have compiled about 13 forms with probably 500 or so fields each. I've tried both the export data button as well as the merge data command. Same result. I lose about 10 fields from the front of the documents (right after file name) and more than 10 from the back of the documents. any help greatly appreciated.
Registered: May 6 2008
Posts: 1
I have the same problem and already called technical support. I was told that "this problem has never been reported" so this case is closed. Apparently they won't give this any attention until everyone who has had this problem calls them.

I have come to the conclusion after finding MANY of these messages online that the PDF forms export can only handle so many files. I wish someone would prove me wrong though.

I'm only handling about 250 records but when I export, the Excel doc only shows 126 records. So I removed those first 126 and exported the second batch. Then I opened this one, cut, and pasted remaining records into first Csv file. Sigh. Also, anyone know of a way to display how many records are in the PDF dataset?

If anyone calls Tech Support (800-642-3623) please reference transaction number 180170788 so they know this is happening alot. ~ thanks :)
Registered: Sep 28 2009
Posts: 1
I see that no one has answered this question. I'm having the same issue with Acrobat Pro 8. Very simple form with only 5 fields, but when I try to export data to a .csv file it will only export 126 records. I've noticed that it is not the same 126 records each time and I also do not get the "COS Document Table Full" error message every time. I am clicking on the "Export Data" button on the dataset file to export the data. I'm using Windows XP Professional.

If the program can only handle 126 records it really isn't much good to anyone.