I am trying to add a button to a form so that the user can submit their fillable form data via Acrobat.com
I am using a script as follows (replacing
The code however is good as far as I can tell
Can anyone figure out why and how to fix?
//@@SUBMITURL "mailto:<email>?subject=Submitting Completed Form&body=Instructions to add this form to a responses file:\n1. Double-click the attachment.\n2. Acrobat will prompt you to select a responses file.&ui=false"
var AdobePatentID = "AdobePatentID=\"B643\"";
// initiate some constants
var METADATA_ANNOT_NAME = "adhocFormState";
var PROP_RESPONDENT_NAME = "respondentName";
var PROP_RESPONDENT_EMAIL = "respondentEmail";
var currentDoc;
if (typeof(xfa) == "object")
currentDoc = event.target;
currentDoc = this;
// Only on Viewer/Reader older than 9.0, we'll do the following tasks.
var bAnonymous = false;
var bContinue = true;
if (app.viewerVersion < 9.0) {
// show the email/name dialog if not anonymous
if (!bAnonymous && !currentDoc.dynamicXFAForm) {
var result = currentDoc.askUserIdentity(currentDoc);
if (result == null)
bContinue = false;
else {
var annot = currentDoc.getAnnot(0, METADATA_ANNOT_NAME);
if (annot != null) {
var arrProps = new Array();
arrProps = annot.contents.split(";");
currentDoc.setProperty(arrProps, PROP_RESPONDENT_NAME, result.name);
currentDoc.setProperty(arrProps, PROP_RESPONDENT_EMAIL, result.email);
annot.contents = arrProps.join(";");
// show the select client dialog
if (bContinue) {
var result = currentDoc.askEmailClient(currentDoc);
if (result == null)
bContinue = false;
else if (!result.send) {
bContinue = false;
// submit the form
if (bContinue) {
var rawURL = "<email>?subject=Submitting Completed Form&body=Instructions to add this form to a responses file:\n1. Double-click the attachment.\n2. Acrobat will prompt you to select a responses file.&ui=false";
var submitURL;
if (app.viewerVersion < 9.0)
submitURL = "mailto:" + rawURL;
submitURL = "mailto:" + escape(rawURL);
cURL: submitURL,
cSubmitAs: "PDF"
This code is a copy of the code from a submit button on a "Distributed" form. You do know that most of this is undocumented? and you may have some additional issues. Those functions are only available in a document that was already setup for distribution and the submit to Acrobat.com properties are setup in the Advanced Metadata under "AcrobatAdhocWorkflow/1.0". Both of these elements are necessary to get Acrobat 9 or X to submit to Acrobat.com.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
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