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Customizing Combo Box in Acrobat Pro

Registered: Sep 6 2007
Posts: 33

I've created a form in Acrobat Pro and have a field where the user can choose a dependent's relationship (spouse, son, daughter, etc.). The combo box works well for this except that it leaves a default choice in the field instead of leaving it empty. Currently, I have "other" as my default, but I'd like the field to remain blank until the user fills in a choice. Is there a way to disable the default?


Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 20
Highlight the object. Go into the "object / value" tab. Under the setting "Default:", choose "< None >".
Registered: Sep 6 2007
Posts: 33
I have created the form in Acrobat Pro and not LiveCycle Designer so I'm looking under Tools/Forms/Combo Box Tool/Combo Box Properties/Options. At that tab you can key in the choices you want to add, but there's a box at the bottom that says "Select an item in the list to make it the default choice." I'm just wondering if there has to be an item selected or is there a way to turn this off? (Sorry I wasn't clear on which program I created the form.)

Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 20
OK, I am sorry about that. I forgot to ask how the form was created.

I just created a new PDF and dropped a combobox onto it. I added three items: t1, t2, & t3. I single-clicked, twice, in the blank area below t3. (Pausing about 2 seconds in between clicks.) This seems to tell Acrobat to choose 'none' for the default value.Hope this helps.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Combo and list boxes do not accept a null or emtpy entry, you can enter a space. You could also add text like "Select as needed" with an export value of a space or blank character. To keep the no selection text from showing you can use an "On Blur" action to update the text field only when the selection is not equal to the balnk value or use a custom calculation script in the text field to only fill in the text field for a non-blank value from the combo or list box.

George Kaiser

Registered: Sep 6 2007
Posts: 33
Thanks! I tried adding a space as an option and that seems to work.