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Data import from excel to PDF - Is this possible

Registered: Oct 30 2007
Posts: 2

I'm a new Adobe user, with 8.0 Pro. I have created a PDF form with text fields. Is there a way to import data from an electronic file (i.e. excel, or .csv) onto these text fields?

I went to the following path: Choose Forms > Manage Form Data > Import Data.

I saved my excel file as .txt and was still unsuccessful. Suggestions?

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
In Acrobat forms use the ADBC, Adobe Data Base Connection. In LiveCycle Designer use the data connecdtion. After connecting the Excel file which should be set up as OBDC, you can retireve the data from the Excel file.

Acrobat form can also import data from a tab delimited file.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 31 2007
Posts: 3

Try to export your data, in Excel, to a XML File and in Acrobat you can import that XML file. The name of the fields have to be the same of the items/tags in the XML File.
Registered: Feb 19 2009
Posts: 2

i have the same request in fact. My problem is (using: Mac OSX 10.5.6, Acrobat 9 Pro), that i want to import more than only one dataset from the same Database (tab delimitted text file). It is no problem to import a single set, but now i have the probleme that i cant find a kind of Data-Merge (like in InDesign for example) function. So either the second row of my form fields (in the PDF) have the same Name as the first line, so they will filled with the same content, or they are not filled at all (by a different Name, but thats logic of course). Is it impossible to import a whole Table?

Thanks for any respond.