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Date calculates right except for November 2010

Registered: Sep 25 2010
Posts: 7

The below script is on a time sheet. The employee fills in the first date and the below script fills in the rest. This has worked for every time sheet except the current one. When 11/01/2010 is keyed in as the current date the value of 11/07/2010 is returned. The value should be 11/08/2010. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
event.value = "";
// Get the string date from the current date field
var strDate = this.getField("DateCurrent").value;
// We already know the exact format since we put it there, makes it easy to scan
var oDate = util.scand("mm/dd/yy, ddd, hh:MM:ss ",strDate);
// Calculate 5 years in milliseconds
var fiveDays = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// Create a new date object so we can format it
oDate = new Date(fiveDays + oDate.getTime());
event.value = util.printd("mm/dd/yyyy", oDate)


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2399
First of all, the name of your variable and the comment are confusing.
You are actually adding 7 days to the date, not 5 days or 5 years.

I can't reproduce what is happening to you, but I think I have an idea why it is happening.
I had encountered a similar problem and then found out it was caused because of the winter time. It seems that JavaScript has a built-in mechanism which adds (or removes) an extra hour when there's a switch between day-time savings to winter time. As a result, such calculation can go wrong.

Try running this code:

var strDate = "11/01/2010";
if(!/^\s*$/.test(strDate)) {
var oDate = util.scand("mm/dd/yy, ddd, hh:MM:ss ",strDate);
if(oDate) {
var msPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
for(i=1; i<=7; i++) {
oDate1 = new Date((msPerDay*i) + oDate.getTime());

What's the output?

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
There's no need to work in milliseconds. Try this:

if(oDate) {

// Add five days
oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() + 5);

event.value = util.printd("mm/dd/yyyy", oDate)

Registered: Sep 25 2010
Posts: 7
I was wondering about daylights savings time. I went with the second option above. It worked!! Thanks to both of you for taking the time to answer!