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Default Text = Another Text Box But Can Change

Registered: Sep 7 2007
Posts: 4

I am using Acrobat Pro 8.

I would like to have a text box default be another text box info but also be able to type in new information if I need to. Most of the time the default info would be correct but about 10% of the time I need to have new information typed in.

Does anyone have a solution?


Registered: Sep 6 2007
Posts: 33
I'm not quite sure I understand your question, but I don't think you can change the text in a text box without physically changing it in LiveCycle Designer. If you're using a drop-down list with default text options and you want the ability to key in text that's not on your list, you can check the "allow custom text entry" button under the Field tab.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Assuming you are using Acrobat's "Form Tool" to create the form and not LiveCycle Designer, you need 2 text field's with different names and in the original field you can add the following script to the "On Blur" action of the first text field:

// if second text field is empty
if(this.getField("TextBox2").value !="")
this.getField("TextBox2").value = event.value;

You could add additional code to prompt for replacing the second field's value if it is not empty using the "app.response()" or the "app.alert()" method.

George Kaiser