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Default Value not "default"

Registered: Oct 24 2008
Posts: 38

On a form I'm working on I've set the default value of a cell to display "Put X here" basically. How do I make it display the default value whenever the cell is blank?

For instance, let's say that a person opens the form, deletes the default text, and then tabs out of that field. How do I make it so that the field returns unless they put in some new text?

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
You can use a custom Format script for this. Instead of setting the default value of the field to something, set it to nothing and use something like the following as the custom Format script for the field:

// Custom format script for a text fieldif (!event.value) event.value = "Your default text goes here.";

Registered: Oct 24 2008
Posts: 38