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Deleting text from Original scanned document

Registered: Sep 29 2010
Posts: 1

I purchased Adobe Acrobat 9 and upgraded to 9.2, scanned to PDF. I am having trouble deleting or editing text on PDF version. I have followed all the instructions, but apparently not the right ones. Please someone tell me what I need to. I do not care to rewrite the original document again. I have checked the original document and it says it is security free, and everything is allowed.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
PDFs are a series of objects and those objects can be any combination of text, images, multimedia content, and include other file types as an attachment. Acrobat is not a very good authoring or document creation program. The PDF format was designed to allow the exchange of documents in a visual manner across varied OS platforms. Acrobat has a text and object touchup tool, but the content of PDFs does not always flow as one would expect and can be difficult to correct. These tools are meant for very minor changes. It is possible to use outside editing programs to more fully edit the PDF content. You can set these programs through editing Acrobat's Preference, "Edit => Preferences" and then the "Touchup" category.Scans start out as an image, not text. One then needs to perform an OCR operation and that can produce an image with hidden text, text, or a combination of the 2. The built in OCR feature of Acrobat is not as robust as 3rd party programs that can convert the scanned image to various other file formats and allow full editing of the scanned text. has an office type program that has a plug-in that can import a PDF into Writer and can save the edited document as a PDF.

George Kaiser