I'm trying to create a text field that is formatted as a number "1 234,56" (Swedish standard).
I'm using a Adobe Acrobat Pro X (Swedish version)
I rightclick the field that I want to apply the format to and choose Properties...
- I Go to the tab Format
- I set "Select format category:" to Number
- Decimal places: 2
- Delimiter 1 234,56
- Currency symbol: None
- Negative Number Style:
- Show Parantheses: not checked
- Use Red Text: not checked
In the preview-box "Example of current format:" I now see -4'123,03 (which is also used for the field after I close the dialog)
This is not the format I want, I want the format I choose from the drop-box Delimiter earlier.
Am I missing something or is this a bug in the Swedish version of Acrobat?
In the US version at least, Acrobat 10 adds the number formatting option that uses the ' character for the thousands separator, but the decimal separator is the "." character, not the comma.