I've searched the forum, but I just have not been able to find out how to adequately deselect checkboxes. I have a row of checkboxes that I'd like to have defaulted as "Button is selected by default". They would all have a different name as none are related to each other. I'd like the user to be able to deselect, or erase, the check mark.
The way I have it now, they are all checked, and clicking on any box does nothing.
Any help would be appreciated.
Your statement "The way I have it now, they are all checked, and clicking on any box does nothing." sounds like you are using radio buttons and not check boxes. Check boxes will clear if one mouse clicks on the check box, but radio buttons will not clear.
For AcroForms you can can use the document method:
"this.resetForm(["field1", "field2". ..."fieldn"]);
where "field#" are the individual field name.
George Kaiser