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Display a page in a popup Window

Registered: Dec 12 2007
Posts: 6

I would like to allow a user to click on an object (eg. hyperlink / image) on an acrobat page - which would bring another page in a smaller popup window or "sticky note".
The user should be able to close this sticky note.
I dont want to use the note feature in acrobat because it cannot contain an image
Awaiting your advice

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Images can be added to PDF with two different annotation types, Stamps and Button Fields. Both can be controled from JavaScript to some extent, button fields being the most controlable. They are also both controlable from an imported FDF file. However there are some strict limitations

I do not know whether either of these options is what you're looking for. What do you mean by "bring another page in a smaller popup window"? Do you mean a page in the current PDF? or a page in another document? Are these pages arbitrary? or do you know ahead of time which page images you'll need?

Thom Parker
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