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Displaying text in a form by clickin on an object..How to do?

Registered: Sep 26 2009
Posts: 2

Hey guys

I need your help... I´m trying to create a bill of materials, where further information is displayed in a form when I click on a certain part....when I click on another part the information in the form must change to the information belonging to the chosen part...
How can I do that?
Somehow with XML or JavaScript?
Perhaps one of u guys knows an answer....I´m kind of desperate...
Thanks a lot

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Let me know if this tutorial is what you're looking for [url=]Programming List and Combo fields in Acrobat and LiveCycle forms - Part 1[/url].

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for