Question about forms distribution and security - I apologize if this has already been addressed, I searched for a solution but couldn't find one. I created a PDF fillable form in Acrobat X. I would like to send this form out to people and them fill it in and submit via the "submit form" button. This works great until I put on security settings. The form needs to be secure in that people can only fill it out / sign in but cannot change/edit. I see this option in Security Settings and I checked it - BUT once I put on the security that says "Fill forms/sign only," Acrobat says I cannot distribute the form because of the security settings. I must be doing something wrong! Please help!
I need to have the form be secured in that it cannot be modified other than filling out the form and then sent back (I don't care whether it is sent back via email or the submit form button). I am running Acrobat Professional X on a Mac.
Thank you in advance for your help!
The alternative is to apply the security you want and Reader-enable the form without going through the distribution process.