I understand that there are differences in the Javascript for Acrobat 9, and I am trying to make the script that accompanies Thom Parker's "Disabling (graying-out) Form Fields" tutorial work in a form I have created in Acrobat 9 Pro (and obviously I'm having trouble). In the tutorial, there is different script for Acroform and LiveCycle, and I read his blog regarding changes in the Acrobat 9 Javascript, so I assume that it's not working because of these changes. Could someone enlighten me as to how to modify the script to work in Acrobat 9 Pro?
Although not a programmer, I've followed his directions very carefully, as well as read his blog post regarding how to effectively use copied script (by paying attention to names and values). I have also thoroughly searched this and other forums for an answer to my question, but if it exists here or elsewhere, please forward me to the appropriate post with my apologies!
Thank you in advance for your time and attention!
Brian Lanier