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Dropdown list with more than one selection

Registered: Oct 10 2007
Posts: 17

Is it possible to allow users to select more than one item in a dropdown list, say by holding down the shift key? I cannot seem to do that. If that's not possible, what would be the best option. The list has about 12 phrases in it.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
The only way multiple selections in a PDF form are:

1. Form has to be created with Acrobat using the Form tool. Not LiveCycle Designer.
2. The form field has to be a "List Box" not a "Combo Box".
3. The "Multiple Selection" on the "Options" has to be checked.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 10 2007
Posts: 17
OK, thanks. I guess I still don't quite get the difference between the two applications.