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Duplicating the same form within the same PDF

Registered: Mar 16 2010
Posts: 83

If I need to add more copies of the same order form within the same PDF does this mean I have to rename all the fields, for it to work?

Is this advisable or should I try to keep the order forms separate?

With thanks


Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You can use the 'template' object to 'spawn' new form pages and change the names as the new page is 'spawned' form the 'template'.

[url=]A Lesson in Templates for Adobe Acrobat[/url] by Dave Wright
[url=]JavaScript - spawnPageFromTemplate method for templates[/url]

George Kaiser

Registered: Mar 16 2010
Posts: 83
Thank you very help full indeed, would you know what would be a safe limit on how many forms could be added.

We would need to send out one form for each class in a primary school so it would be10 to 20 forms within one PDF is this safe /
each one does have a lot of fields..

Thank again

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
No, but spawning templates does hog memory, so you may need to do some intermediary saves. Also all users wanting to add a page from the template will need a full version of Acrobat or you can try added 'Extended Reader Rights' to the form.

George Kaiser