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Email Submit Leads to Microsoft Passport

Registered: Jan 8 2008
Posts: 2

I set up a form with an email submit button. When I press the button, instead of going to the dialog box that asks "web-based", "desktop email", etc., it opens up Internet Explorer to and prompts me for a user name and password to log in to Microsoft Passport.
What is going on? Did I miss a step or set up something wrong?

Registered: Dec 13 2006
Posts: 165
Hi...could be one of a number of things. Does this happen from your machine only or any machine? Can you email it or post it to a Web site and then try the button and let us know what happens?

When you set up the button did you go through all of the properties and set them up accordingly to submit the pdf or just the data, and the mail to address in the URL field?

Let us know....

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