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Error: Acrobat was unable to make this pdf accessible...

Registered: Jul 13 2010
Posts: 2


*UPDATE* Ran accessibility check & it says no tags. Tried to add tags manually in the doc, but fields are highlighted altogether and will not let me separate. Also, the help menu says I could re-create the document from the authoring application with tagging enabled, but cannot find how to enable tagging in MS Word for Mac.

I tried to take a pdf off the internet & ran the form wizard, and thought the pdf might be locked when I received the following error:

"Acrobat was unable to make this
document accessible because of the
following error:

Bad pdf; error in processing fonts.
unsupported Type2 font [1] - had to remove characters so it did not look like html

Please note that some pages..."

I retyped the form in MS Word, then printed it as a pdf, opened in Acrobat and ran the form wizard. That is when I got the same error. I changed the font to Arial, wondering whether my Mac font was messing things up. Still same error.

Why am I getting this error? I have used the form wizard in the past successfully. Why is it showing up now?

Thanks in advance for any help!

By the way, it's 9.3.3 not 9.3.1 (but that's the only choice below).


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Macintosh
Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 1
I'm having the same issue. Does anyone participate in answering questions here?
