Hi am using iText to manipulate PDF data. In my application user can select multiple forms and can submit those forms one after the other. The PDF forms are fetched runtime and buttons like "RESET","NEXT","FINISHED" are generated on forms using javascript. In v6 the code is working fine but in v7 or v8 when user clicks on "NEXT" button on form "INVALID FDF" error occurs. I am not getting where the problem is present? is there any other method to fetch PDF files with formfields,display and submit it??
Or do you mean that you are using iText to add the buttons and not JavaScript in the FDF? Are you returning a modified PDF in the HTTP response?
Either way, I suspect the changes in security may be causing Acrobat to report an FDF error. I would suggest not creating buttons at runtime. This is not a good programming practice, because, as you can see, it reduces the robustness of your system.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script