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extended Reader usage rights

Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 14

Greetings -
I read with great interest Ted Padova's article dated Sept. 2006 regarding extending Reader usage rights. Specifically, the 500 maximium user limit. I've read the EULA as it relates to this subject (section 14.13.3), but as you might expect, it's very vague in it's definition. Can anyone help decifer these limitations. For instance, does the restriction pertain to 500 individual users filling out the form (one time each), or does it mean one single user is limited to filling out his/her form 500 times? Also, what, if anything, will happen when the 500 limit is reached? Will the Reader extension features turn off or become unavailable?
Any clarification on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

My Product Information:
Reader 8, Windows
Registered: Nov 15 2005
Posts: 51
The full EULA can be found at [url=][/url] and the paragraph that you should refer to is 14.13.3.

This paragraph is quite clear on how the "Extended" versions of your forms can be used, distributed, and data extracted.

If your business case needs to go outside of this agreement then you will need to obtain a full license of Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions.