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Fail to getAVDoc in IE

Registered: Nov 25 2009
Posts: 10

hello there,

I have the following Javascript for IE:

var acrobatapp= new ActiveXObject("AcroExch.App");
var numdoc = acrobatapp.GetNumAVDocs();


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 25 2009
Posts: 10
The following is how is display a pdf in IE:

Registered: Feb 14 2006
Posts: 333
That is correct. due to changes required for compatibility with Vista (and now Windows 7), PDFs opened in browsers are no longer included in the count of documents - only those in the stand-alone application.

Leonard Rosenthol
Adobe Systems

Leonard Rosenthol
PDF Standards Architect
Adobe Systems

Registered: Nov 25 2009
Posts: 10
Thanks Leonard,

So, the question is: how I can operate the PDF opened in IE? Example: call FindText() function. Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks for your reply.

Registered: Feb 14 2006
Posts: 333
longjingjun wrote:
So, the question is: how I can operate the PDF opened in IE? Example: call FindText() function. Do you have any suggestion?
There are some IE/Windows specific methods that you can use to get access to the ActiveX control. It's not Acrobat-specific.

Leonard Rosenthol
PDF Standards Architect
Adobe Systems

Registered: Nov 25 2009
Posts: 10

Function FindText() is in AcroExch.AVDoc. In Acrobat 8, we get AVDoc via call AcroExch.App.GetAVDoc() and then we have full access to AcroExch.AVDoc functions.

The ActiveX control is AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF. There are some functions avaliable in this interface but they can not fulfill our requirement.

Do you mean there are only functions in AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF avaliable in IE Explorer (AcrobatPro 9)? Functions in AcroExch.AVDoc are not avaliable anymore?

Thanks for your reply.
