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FDF Field Sort Order?

Registered: Oct 14 2011
Posts: 9

Hi, folks:
Back to the well again, far too soon :-0
Finally have Reader saving .FDF from my forms and attaching to an email for processing into .CSV.
When I open the .FDF - yikes! My tab order is not preserved, the data items are sorted alphabetically only, and a little hinky at that. Looks like text fields are winding up being placed at the end of the .FDF file stream, even if they're in the middle of the form itself. I have set the tab order correctly on the form itself - the tab numbers are where I need 'em.
Don't see an option anywhere to adjust how the .FDF data layout can be adjusted. I suppose I could rename the fields to make the best of Acrobat's default data stream order - but confusion on the back-end will result, and a lot of extra data manipulation will be needed. I have to match some incoming FDF data to existing fields in legacy applications.
Can anyone shed any light on this? Any way I can control which fields wind up, in which order, in the .FDF stream?

Craig Rothfuss

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0.2, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
You have no control, other than by altering the field names, as you mentioned. Even then, there's no guarantee that Adobe won't change the way it works.

How are you processing the FDF files after you receive them and why does the order of fields matter?
Registered: Oct 14 2011
Posts: 9
Hey, George!

Thanx for replying. I'm processing the .FDF with a German Conversion Engine ,OVIS FDF-CONVERTER. The reason for not using Acrobat's distribution tools is because, as far as I can determine, it is a hands-on process; you have to use Acrobat Pro to 'hand gather' the data. Lots of buttons to click.

I'm trying to work out a system that is fully automated, and the OVIS tool can run as batch file, can process entire directories, etc. I know I could probably get this kind of thing running on a server with the FDF Toolkit, but I'm trying to keep things simple and transparent.

As to the field order, I have to get the final .CVS's into legacy systems like Excel - ones with datasets and field names already in place, in order - and was hoping (not knowing any better at the time) that the .CSV would have the same order as I planned so that it would be a one-click import into Excel. Does that make sense? Massaging the .CSV field order is a problem I'd rather not have :-)

Hope this explains better. Thanx as always.



Craig Rothfuss

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
Accepted Answer
OK, I think I understand now. It looks like will have to process the CSV to alter the order. But it would be easier if you can use the FDF Toolkit.
Registered: Oct 14 2011
Posts: 9

Thanx. After I get this prototyped, I'll look at the server option. In the meantime, I'm gonna hack around with my fieldnames to see if I can trick Acrobat :-)

Have a great weekend!


Craig Rothfuss

Registered: Jul 25 2006
Posts: 255
If you have control over the forms, you could add a hidden field in which you assemble the according record in tab-delimited or CSV form, in the sequence order you need. Then you will only have to export that particular field's value.

Otherwise, you would use the FDF, interpret it (for example using FDFToolkit, but you may also be able to write an XSLT file to get things in a more digestable form), maybe recreate a list of field name/field value pairs, and create your output.

Hope this can help.

Max Wyss.

Registered: Oct 14 2011
Posts: 9
Hi Max!

Thanx for your thoughts. Hmmmm, not sure if I understand your concept, tho. Is it really possible to 'relate' one field to the data in several? Wow. And ONLY that one field would be saved in the FDF for later parsing? Double-wow!

A bit beyond my present skills, I think, but it's been that way for me from the get-go :-)

I'm a designer, not a coder, tho I can hack around a bit and gain understanding if I have an example in front of me. Do you happen to know of a resource anywhere that would address such an approach? I know that I've not seen one. If you have any links to your idea, they would be greatly appreciated.

Great idea. Will start investigating THAT, as well. Whew!!!!



Craig Rothfuss