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fillable PDF forms

Registered: Feb 4 2007
Posts: 102

A form is created in Excel with formulas in it, and we are hoping to convert to PDF. However ,we would like users to be able to input into certain cells via either a website, or a UNC path. Where do we set the options which allow the form to be filled out, or at least certain cells? Does that need to be set in Excel, Adobe or both? Moreover, can these forms be edited in Reader as well?
Thanks in advance,

Registered: Dec 14 2005
Posts: 180
I don't know of any tool that can convert Excel spreadsheets directly to fillable PDF forms.

What you can do is remove the data (but not the captions) from the spreadsheet, create a PDF, and then run Acrobat 8's form field recognition.


Acrobat and Reader users can then fill in the form.

A certified expert on Adobe Acrobat, Carl Young is an Adobe Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer trainer and consultant based in Phoenix. He is the producer of the [link=]PDF Conference[/link].

Registered: Feb 4 2007
Posts: 102
Thanks Carl for your response. I have Professional 7.0 at home, and am purchasing 8.0 at work. In 7.0, you have the option to go Advanced>Make forms fillable and that opens up the PDF in Designer. From there you have to insert text controls in every cell you want to be fillable. Then in the cells you want to sum, I am assuming you have to insert the formulas. Is that the same idea with form field recognition? I hope this question makes sense?
Registered: May 9 2011
Posts: 9
How do I put a formula in a form field to get the field to autosum 2 or 3 other fields?
Registered: Feb 4 2007
Posts: 102
It depends on which version of Adobe you have and how the PDF is created. I have 8.0 professional, and if a PDF was created/distilled directly from word, Excel, etc it opened up in the traditional Acrobat window. If, however, I tried to create a form from scratch within Adobe, it opened it up in a Livecyle Designer window. Formulas, properties, etc were completely different for the two types of PDF files. I purchased an ACROBAT 8.0 bible, written by Ted Padova, and that was extremely helpful. I am sure there are updated ones out there as well.

Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
@gus, it's quite simple.
Create your text field. Under the Calculate tab select:
"Value is the sum of the following fields...", and then pick the fields you want to total from the list.

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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Registered: Feb 4 2007
Posts: 102
@try67, I agree that is fairly simple to go to CALCULATE tab. Where I had issues was when it was a Lifecycle form, and then I had select "calculated-Read only" from object>value tab. I also had ot type in s formcalc script into the script editor. It was fairly simple as it was something to the effect of "Sum (Miles_1,Miles_2,Miles_3,Miles_4,Miles_5,Miles_6,Miles_7,Miles_8,Miles_9,

regards ...
Registered: May 23 2011
Posts: 1
I have created a fillable form using acrobat 10 for Clients to complete on line. I have a sumbit button to email which works fine but I want to make the form read only once the client submits to email, how do I do this?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
As part of the submit process uses JavaScirpt to set the form fields as read only or use a digital signature field and when the signature is applied, it will set all of the fields to Read Only and also let you know if any changes have been made to the form after the signature has been applied.

George Kaiser