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Finding sum of percentages to create an overall percentage

Registered: Dec 16 2008
Posts: 11

I am new to the forum and hope I am posting correctly.

I have a form with 8 sections. Each section has a percentage that gets calculated.
On the last page I have each sections percentage listed and want to add each of these percentages together and divide by total number of sections (8) to get an overall score.

For example: If the section percentages were listed like this, 10%, 25%, 45%, 85%, 10%, 75%, 90%, 100%. The overall score would be 55%.

I know about simple notations and such but am really drawing a blank on this. Any help would be great. Thank you.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Without knowing whether you are using Acrobat or LiveCycle Designer and field names, it will be hard to provide an exact solution. Acrobat has a calculation option to compute the "Average' of a series of fields and LiveCycle Designer has an "Avg()" funciton to compute the average of passed values.

George Kaiser

Registered: Dec 16 2008
Posts: 11
Thank you. I knew I wasn't looking carefully. You answered my question with the average item. I am working with acrobat and the average did the trick. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.