Hi, would like to do this in a textfield.
If this is entered.
mi10-456899-00 I would like the first two letters upper case like so
and if words are entered to have first letter of every word upper case.
i have another job to do.
I Have Another Job To Do.
Thanks all help appreciated.
If you want this only after the entry, you can use the Validate tab and a custom vailidation scirpt:
// force entry to upper case
event.value = event.value.toUpperCase();
If you want it converted you enter each keystroke, then the coding gets more complex and you would need to provide more information about the inputted keystrokes. You can do this with the RegEx object.
You can search for "Title Case" for code to perform title case, but to combine them will be more comples and require RegEx processing.
George Kaiser