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Forcing Display

Registered: Feb 4 2010
Posts: 20

I'm testing a form I made for somebody and setup the Submit to email to me.

I'm testing the form.

I need to force the PDF to open in reader 9, to see how it displays on the end users monitor.

Instead it's opening in my Acrobat 9

Is it possible since I have Acrobat 9 to make opening a PDF default to my reader 9 instead?

Thank you.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Start Reader 9 and then this will be the active PDF viewer for double clicking on the file and the plugin for the web browswer.

George Kaiser

Registered: Feb 4 2010
Posts: 20
gkaiseril wrote:
Start Reader 9 and then this will be the active PDF viewer for double clicking on the file and the plugin for the web browswer.
Oh, thank you very much.

I'll give it a go.

Very grateful.