Hello. I recently started using Acrobat 9 Pro. to create forms. This is what I'm doing:
Create the document in Word
Save as a PDF in Word
Open the PDF in Acrobat 9
Run the Form Wizard
Modify the fields as needed
Save as an Extended PDF
Post to my website as a downloadable form
So since I'm pretty new to this, I am not sure if there's an easier way to handle creating the form. But, more importantly, I am wondering if there's an easier way to handle the editing. I am going through the whole dang procedure every time and there's a zillion fields. I have to modify most of the fields for naming and some for how they look. It's a huge job.
Is there an easier way? Thanks to anyone who can help.
Hopefully that is what you are looking for, that feature is brilliant as i use that everyday :-)
Let me know if any of it doesn't make sense?