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Form Creation and Updating Procedure questions

Registered: Nov 23 2009
Posts: 5

Hello. I recently started using Acrobat 9 Pro. to create forms. This is what I'm doing:
Create the document in Word
Save as a PDF in Word
Open the PDF in Acrobat 9
Run the Form Wizard
Modify the fields as needed
Save as an Extended PDF
Post to my website as a downloadable form

So since I'm pretty new to this, I am not sure if there's an easier way to handle creating the form. But, more importantly, I am wondering if there's an easier way to handle the editing. I am going through the whole dang procedure every time and there's a zillion fields. I have to modify most of the fields for naming and some for how they look. It's a huge job.

Is there an easier way? Thanks to anyone who can help.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Windows
smitchell15 (not verified)
Yea the easiest way to edit the text on the PDF is recreate the form from word with the ammended text. When finished, recreate the PDF with a different file name. And then in the PDF that contains all the Fields, chose document – replace pages. This will strip out all the flat data (data from word) and leave all form fields floating on top which is exactly what you want.

Hopefully that is what you are looking for, that feature is brilliant as i use that everyday :-)
Let me know if any of it doesn't make sense?
Registered: Nov 23 2009
Posts: 5
YES! That is exactly what I needed! It is brilliant - and so are you! Thank you so much :-)
smitchell15 (not verified)
Thats brilliant. Cool, glad it worked for you.

All the best :-)