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Form Creation for Multiple Users

Registered: Jul 9 2010
Posts: 5

Hello. I am VERY new at this and am having difficulties. I have created a form in Acrobat Pro 9 that is actually for a different department (I am in Public Information and this is for the Sheriff).
#1-I need to be able to send it to a different county department to use.
#2-They need to have their office staff fill it in as citizens call, save it to their shared directory (I have the path & access), and then be able to access the database of information (which I may have to do for them as they do not have Acrobat 9 Pro).
#1-What submission type should I use to make it easiest for all involved and so that the data is captured?
#2-Since I am the only one with Acrobat Pro 9, will I need to be the Form Manager?
I am confused as to how to do this to the server and still make the data available to the department (who needs it for enforcement). Any help y'all can provide would be most appreciated.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.4, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Jul 11 2011
Posts: 389
Accepted Answer

Do you have a database that everyone can access to view the collected data?

1. You can submit the form data to a shared folder on the network
2. Yes, you will need to administer the data, you can collect the data files into Excel and share that information or pull it into your own database

These pages may help:

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Community Expert
Certified Technical Trainer+

Registered: Jul 9 2010
Posts: 5
Thanks Kelly. I don't have a database set up. How do I do that?

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Jul 11 2011
Posts: 389

There are many database solutions out there to pull your PDF Data into, but I can not recommend a specific brand. All we can help with is getting the data in and out of Acrobat, into a format ANY database can read.

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Community Expert
Certified Technical Trainer+