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Form fields

Registered: Dec 23 2007
Posts: 12

trying to create a page form but has almost 350 fields! Problem is after i have created about 300 fields it will not let me add any more new fields and also deleted quite a few of the fields that i had already created. is there a limit to the number of fields? been working on this for a couple of days and need to get it out. also on the left beside the form i'm working on (in the edit mode) the fields used to be listed now they are not...tried clicking the touch-up reading order but grayed-out. am working in acrobat 9 extended.
thanks for the help!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1, Windows
Registered: Apr 2 2009
Posts: 36
Can't help you with the too-many-form-fields question (350 on one page? ouch!) but perhaps I can help with the field listing.

When you're in form edit mode, the 3-row pink "fields" icon is in the far left margin. Click it and the Fields panel should unhide.

The Reading Order window isn't available in form edit mode.

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
There isn't a limit to the number of fields on a pdf page. I've seen forms with over a thousand fields. But something that does happen occasionally, especially with overworked documents, is that somthing get's corrupted, and then Acrobat starts acting funny and eventually goes out to lunch or crashes.

You may not be able to fix the PDF, depends on exactly whats wrong, and how wrong it is. There are some things you can try.
1. Close and reopen Acrobat
2. Do a SaveAs on the PDF. This is something you should do every once in a while anyway.
3. Run Optimizer on the PDF.

If none of these things work. Try starting out with a fresh, plain PDF of the form background. Copy the fields from the problem form and past them onto the fresh form.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info

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Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Dec 23 2007
Posts: 12
Thanks cp and Thom,
I tried clicking the pink icon on the left margin but no luck, the fields panel still does not show!
The PDF Optimizer is grayed out in the Edit mode and in the Preview mode when I ran it, I got an error that said that there was a conversion error and the document cannot be saved and now the optimizer in the preview mode is also grayed out.