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Form fields off in different viewers

Registered: Apr 9 2009
Posts: 2

Hi there,

I just finished creating a form in Acrobat, where I have a combination of read-only fields and read-write fields together.

When I preview the form in Acrobat it looks perfect. But if I open the pdf in Preview or quicklook (in Leopard), the read-write fields are lower than they should be and don't link up with other fields in the PDF.

One of my former colleagues (who doesn't work here anymore) created a similar PDF a while back. No matter which program I use, the fields line up perfectly. But I don't see any technical differences between the files. Any idea why or how I can fix it so the PDF looks good in all PDF viewers?



My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.1, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You've run up against a rendering issue. There are several gray areas in the PDF spec, specifically there are some minor details in how annot and page coordinates mesh. And the different viewers might do some things slightly differently. For example it's very possible that there is a difference in how the page boxes are defined between your form and the one that works. You wouldn't be able to see these differences with ordinary PDF tools. Well maybe with some of the preflight tools. In fact, your best bet for an easy fix is to run the optimizer and/or a preflight fix.

Thom Parker
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