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Form Not Get Refreshed, loaded with old data

Registered: Mar 12 2008
Posts: 58

Hi Experts,

We are in process of Implementing SAP Standard Appraisal Process......and some customization has been done in that.....we inserted adobe form for getting and displaying the data.

The Manager will receive the employee appraisal documents in portal and on clicking the each documents link , Pdf document get generated and the data from the back end get filled in the form for that particular employee and if he/she clicks the another employeement document similar way pdf get generated and data for that employee will be loaded. This is thing to be happened.

But we are facing a problem whenever the Manager opens any employee appraisal document link for the first time it opens with correct data of the employee. if he/she clicks another employee, the pdf form get generated, but its showing the first employee whatever the employee document get loaded the details of first employee document only get loaded....The form is not get refreshed...........

So How to refresh the entire PDF form to get new Data whenever the PDF form is newly generated.............

Thanks' & Regard's
Chandran Subramanian

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.0.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
It sounds like the "Keep forms data temporarily available on disk" or disk caching enabled. This can be set for all forms in Acrobat's/Reader's preferences or by adding the "this.nocache = true;" to a document level JavaScript to the form so this setting would only apply to the current form.

You also might want to look at [url=]Adobe Reader 7: Minimizing Exposure of Personal Information on Public Computers[/url].

George Kaiser

Registered: Mar 12 2008
Posts: 58
Hello Sir,

Thanks for your valuable help..The doument provided by you solved our problem.

Now we are facing new issue, The form is getting generated succesfully and we are able to able key in the data. But sometimes whenever we entered a data in a column of type integer, the remaining data in the form is get diminished and when we click some other column or in the same column or any where in the form the data are get displayed.....please provide solution.........

Thank's & Regard's
Chandran Subramanian