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Form tab sequence, form text

Registered: Sep 7 2007
Posts: 2

I am a new user of Acrobat 8.1... and am in the process of designing my first form: an evaluation form for our classes. I have two questions at the moment:
1. I have converted a word document with the text leaving space for the fields where I need answers. When I did a tab order check, I found that the sequence was backwards in some areas. Is the tab sequence dependant on the order in which the fields were created? Or did I create the problem by copying and pasting fields (to save time and make them uniform)?
2. Is there a way to make a form with the text in editable form? If I change something in the text now, will I have to create a new form and create all new interactive (answer) fields?
Thank you for your valuable help. I have already solved a submit problem I was having by reading another user's answer.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
Answer to part 1:
Click the Pages button or choose View > Navigation Panels > Pages to open the Pages panel.
Select the page icon, and choose Page Properties in the Pages panel Change the tab order option to Column Order or Document Structure.

If that does'nt work, try checking the reading order with the TouchUp Reading Order tool,

Select the TouchUp Reading Order tool.
In the TouchUp Reading Order dialog box, select Show Page Content Order.

Note: If highlighted regions don’t appear in the document pane, the document doesn’t contain tags. You'll have to open the MS Word file and set tags.

Answer to part 2:
Open the form in Acrobat and click (from the menu bar) Forms, Run Form Filed Recognition. Inspect the form fields properties to ensure they were properly created.

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